
Supreme Court Holds Same Sex Marriage is Constitutionally Protected

This morning the United States Supreme Court issued its ruling in Obergefell, et al. v. Hodges, et al.In a landmark ruling Justice Kennedy, writing for a five member majority, held that the right of same sex couples to marry is a fundamental Constitutional right protected by the fourteenth amendment to the United States Constitution. 

The ruling found that same sex couples have the exact same right to civil marriages that heterosexual couple have and that states must issue marriage licenses in such cases.

With this ruling, same sex couples are now protected with the exact same rights as all other married couples, which should include the right to adopt, share in legal custody of their children.  They now also have the same property rights that heterosexual married couples have enjoyed for centuries.

This decision ends years of uncertainty for same sex couples and their families and also ends many legal difficulties these couples have had regarding the custody and control of their children and disposition of their property.

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